"guys it's real trust me" | |
Kaya should be considered a unreliable narrator for the following reasons
Tophia enabler. Take anything they say with a grain of salt. (12/25/2023 (merry christmas.)) |
"My source is that I made it the fuck up" -Tophia |
This page is rather stubbly and needs some love.
if you love this page, then prove it.
Kaya is an enabler that regularly interacts with Tophia.
Characters |
The protagonist: Tophia Slydell
Slydell/Lucero family Donald Slydell jr Donald Slydell Marie Lucero Grandmother lucero† Grandfather lucero† Bernadette Lucero† Sophia The bad guys Nova Leslie Clark Neighborchu Isaac Crushes Wesley boba Glennfather Misc. Angie |