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Tophiachu Wiki
Revision as of 20:26, 31 October 2024 by Sloann (talk | contribs)

Tophia has a varied relationship with the concept of race, as well as people of various races. Despite being a Hispanic woman herself, she repeatedly has shown herself to have racist views and has said racist things. Her creepy fetishization of Asian men is also well-known.


Tophia has said racial slurs multiple times. She once called a person of color's skin 'burnt', used the b-word for Hispanic people multiple times, has said that Mexican people bring in drugs and crime, and has used the 'Indian Giver' term, seen by the Indigenous community of the United States as offensive (at best). When rightfully called out on her racism, she has attempted to deflect criticism by saying that due to her being a person of color, she can't be racist; she fails to realize that anyone has the capacity to be racist, regardless of their own race.


Tophia is a well-known fetishist of Asian men. During the Aunt Karen live, it was revealed that she had two pornographic website tabs open showing that she was watching "Asian Teen" pornography, and during the Music.ly Era and well into the Tiktok Era she has dueted with Asian men in multiple 'POV' roleplaying scenarios to fulfill her fantasy of having an Asian partner. She did to one creator so much that it's theorized he deleted his account because of her ogre-looking self always popping up on his timeline with the amount of times she dueted with his content.

Being Hispanic

Tophia is a Hispanic woman, and perhaps is mix-raced due to her father being African-American (however, Tophia's parentage is heavily disputed). Despite her heritage, she has used the b-word against several people, which is used to dehumanize her own community. She also is known to have an intolerance of African-Americans, likely due to the creepy and stalker-ish behavior of her father.

Being “black”

It is highly disputed if Tophia is black or not. Nevertheless, she seems to have a strange, two faced obsession with black people. Tophia seems to always be talking about injustices that black people face, but in the same breath she will make highly racist, stereotypical remarks about them. It is unlikely that Tophia actually cares about anything that black people face, and she is more likely just trying to gain brownie points with them before she reveals her true opinions. Tophia has been know to do this with other groups (E.G transgender people.)