In memory of Donald Slydell Jr.
First off, I'd like to send my condolences to Tophiachu and her family for what happened today, it was tragic and no one should have to go through it. This letter will attempt to explain what happened, as well as explain how the Tophiachu Wiki will go about this from hereon.
What happened?
On March 11th, Donald Slydell Jr (or brotherchu) was fatally shot during a carjacking, while Marie Lucero was also shot, put in critical condition, but managed to survive. A security officer saw what was happening and shot the attacker dead. This is a brief explanation, and I am keeping it relatively short, so if you want more details, please go here.
How the Tophiachu Wiki will proceed with the article on Donald Slydell Jr?
The wiki will be down for a week in respect of the Slydell family. When it is time for it to come back, the "Donald Slydell Jr." page will be almost entirely rewritten as well as semi-protected indefinitely. This is to prevent grave-dancing/vandalism. Any vandalizing edit will result in a permanent I.P block with no chance of appeal.
Tophia, I am personally sorry you have to go through this. I am deeply sorry about Donald Jr and I offer my condolences. I also wish Marie a speedy recovery from this.
Please respect Tophia's privacy during this time. Thank you.
-TW staff.