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Tophiachu Wiki
The truth about discord we’re hiding read further
(assumedly) Tophia's note on her vandalizing edit on Chu crew discord.
This page is rather stubbly and needs some love.

if you love this page, then prove it.

Tophia is known for lying. Like, a lot. So much so that she has been thoroughly debunked so many times that not even we can count (I mean we can, we just don't have the time right now, soz). Point is that she lies about a lot of things, race, slurs, and even watching porn of Asian teens (Yes, seriously.). She has utilized logical fallacies, blatant lies and even (assumedly) vandalized the wiki. So yeah, we can't exactly trust every word that comes out of her mouth.

  • Tophia seems to be a pathological liar; as she often lies about things that she doesn’t even need to lie about, which shows that it may just be habit to her.

Appearance lies

Tophia will occasionally lie about aspects of her appearance, such as her hair color or her eye color. The most notable examples of this are “brown eyes with some blue in them” and “reddish brown hair”.

Lies about people

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"Well??? Explain yourself!"
This article is too vague, please add more details so it is easier to understand.
What needs to be elaborated on: What did she lie about these people specifically?

Add onto it so we can sleep well for the night

"I can't... because I'm not myself..."

Tophia has lied multiple times about people. Including but not limited to, the discord, Nova, seanvv, etc...